Taking Risks
As rESPONSIBLE nONCONFORMISTS we often find it hard to balance the need to play it safe with the desire to take risks. On one hand we know we are doing what we currently do because it meets certain needs. On the other hand, we often find ourselves feeling restless and longing for change. Although we may appreciate what we have currently, we may feel there is more to experience in life and ask ourselves “What if?”
Our responsible side is concerned about making sure our needs and the needs of our families are being met. That responsibility is what led to us doing what we currently do. It is what keeps us in familiar situations if spite of our nonconformist side wanting something different. This may put us in a dilemma, take a risk and face the possibility that we won’t be able to meet our needs, or play it safe and miss out on adventure, personal growth, and excitement.
Taking a risk can be quite scary. Risk involves an inherent amount of danger and uncertainty. There is a possibility, more like a probability, of losing something we currently have and often no guarantee regarding the outcome. Yet, there are no guarantees in life, even in the most familiar situations. The most stable and seemingly predictable of situations can change without warning. Life at its safest still comes with inherent risk, yet we often fear losing what is familiar, so we avoid going after something different that we want.
The fear of taking risks can keep us stuck. There is often too much doubt, too much uncertainty, for us to consider taking a risk. Or maybe we consider taking the risk, but we talk ourselves out of it for the same reason. Although we can never eliminate all doubt and uncertainty from any situation, we can take steps to minimize them. By becoming well-informed and developing a well-thought-out plan, we can remove some of the uncertainty from the risk-taking process and make it less daunting.
As a Coach, I can assist you in becoming well-informed and in developing a well-thought-out plan. Life is too short to let fear hold you back from taking the risk of pursuing your dreams.